| double stroller | Alo leggings | tank (similar) | Nike sneakers | sunnies | image:sydney clawson |
The 40’s and taco bell are not friends. This just in. 41 and taco bell. Nope. Not friends. I mean, sometimes nothing and I mean nothing can get between a woman and a burrito, especially at 2 am amongst drunk mom friends. But, actually just no. Sorry.
Health is not a thing. It’s a requirement. I’m 41 and I can’t get away with bullshit anymore. Yes, I still eat ice-cream occasionally and can put a way a half a pizza like it’s nobody’s business, but for the most part, taco bell and me, we’re kinda done. And here’s why.
| Image: sydney clawson |
Healthier habits are not only part of the great revelation of the the 40’s but also, a partial key to the fundamentals of living a decent life with the hopes of a semi-long healthy life in our old age. The truth is, aging sucks. Nobody wants to get old. And above all, having fun, is not overrated. But when you reach a certain age and certain acquired taste for healthier habits, Taco Bell doesn’t run popular amongst your go-tos. Yes, sadly, I’m munching on plain unsalted cashews while I sip a glass of cabernet. (This was last night, no I do not drink wine at 9 am). And yes, this is a treat. Wine and nuts. It’s a treat. A mexican pizza with a side burrito extra sauce might as well give me all the heartburn and perhaps the worst night sleep of my life.
Speaking of sleep, got kids? Forget taco bell. And dear Taco Bell, I don’t hate you. I don’t speak this truth out of hate for your products. I simply don’t run in the same demographic as your drive though at 2 am does anymore. And that’s ok. This piece isn’t for the college kids. So bare with me and confidently know, your business is solid and not going anywhere.
I’m just pointing out the obvious. And to my fellow mamas and or 40 somethings who value conscious healthy eating, they will understand why I went here today. Why it’s important for me to break certain habits. Taco Bell was my severe downfall in my 20’s and part of my 30s. My 40’s downfall is pizza and all the wine. But i’m working on it. And I’m a work in progress so, yeah.
Recently I was with my Dad and we discussed healthier habits and it’s interesting to know how you actually treat your body when you’re not paying attention to detail. And although I’m a detailed oriented person, when you’re flippant about life and healthy choices maybe in the first 2-3 decades of your life, you’re more willing to go through the drive through at 2 am without blinking. And that’s fine. Nobody is judging you. But you reach a certain point where you realize healthier choices actually feel better at 8 am when you’re up with the kids. And healthier habits create environments where you choose healthier meals for your children and therefore by default, your spouse and you make a pact to be healthier.
Nobody has it all perfect. Even Gisele. She may be married to Tom Brady, and might have a chef that cooks all her meals, but she’s been to taco bell and she ain’t ashamed. But I guarantee you, it isn’t a regular drive by during her year. Let’s all be realistic in hoping everything we put in our mouth has a purpose to feed our beautiful souls. Let it be known that eating healthily and working out when it’s available to us are great first steps. And that is enough. And in case you feel like you’ve already failed this a.m. because the husband just picked up krispy kremes, it’s ok. It’s going to be fine. As long as you take the steps to actively achieve healthier living, i.e., nuts over cheetos, vegetables over white rice, 1 glass of wine over 2 margaritas, taking the stairs over taking the elevator, walking to the mailbox instead of driving, then your’e doing just fine.
Also, I lived in Italy, so if you’re going to Italy, eat the damn pizza. Lick the gelato. And walk the streets of Rome. And when you return, reach for the green tea, rather than the cookies. Life is a balance. I’m working on it too. But I wanna live forever. Also, dressing the part kickstarts step 1 of walking out the door and into a healthier heart, so see below! Happy Saturday friends.