All tagged family


So Covid-19, you suck. Everything about what you’ve been trying to prove, you’ve proven. People dying, business’ collapsing, the whole world in a state of panic. Congrats. We are all one big hot mess and nobody knows what they’re doing. And now, mom and dad have gone to Hawaii. Sigh.


The notion that everyone should have a sister is one I’ve echoed for years. Probably because I wouldn’t know life without one nor would I want to. She's everything. And more. And if I'm honest I'd probably pull any strings possible to have another baby girl and give my daughter a sister. But the way God created families is, not everyone gets a sister and that’s just how life goes. This sometimes makes me sad for my daughter, because I don't want her to miss out on this incredible journey, but it has also lead me to this beautiful unbeknownst truth.