All tagged family travel


“To be young and in love in New York City.”

That’s the lyric I listened to repeatedly on my flight from California to Nashville a few months back.  Something about it got me. 

The freedom in what was. Back then. And knowing that I could feel it. Taste it on my tongue. Because it was a moment in time. Side note: I must be on a travel kick inside my heart because last weeks wanderlust post. Or perhaps I’ve just been momming alot lately. Hence, see below.


If you're in the market for some quality time with your babies, and by quality time, I mean hands on, in the sand, on the pool noodles, stare in their faces and watch their joy, from splish splash to splish splash kind of time, then here's a little recap of our vacay and what I recommend. Because we all know beachin' with babes is so easy said no mother ever.


Yesterday my best friend in Nashviille said "You're in your happy place." It was a message on my insta stories where I've been documenting my trip home to Cali. Anyone who's close to me knows this is basically Christmas. I'm my happiest here. Not because I'm not happy I'm Nashville, but because home is where I grew up. Where I was born. Where my sister and brothers were born. And home is where mom and dad still are.