All tagged momlife


But really though. It’s happening. And even as I wipe my tears for the fact that I’m not seeing my family this holiday season, it’s still happening and the kids and I are already watching Elf once a day over here. So, yes, it’s been the weirdest and hardest year ever, and it continues to get weirder and harder. And the news sucks, people are crazy and it makes me want to get on a boat in the Gulf and never return. Dramatic much? Well, here’s the good news. Christmas is not canceled. We are still decorating the tree, stuffing the stockings and making pretty choices when thinking about gifts. And because Black Friday is already happening and you know I’m not a full price retail kinda girl, I’ve complied a list for the not so naughty. In this list, I’ve included a few things that won’t be fitting in my stocking this year because rugs and furniture for the beach bungalow are on my list instead of socks and underwear. But don’t worry, I’ve included a few of those too, because nobody wants cold feet this winter. :)


Hey bunny. Well, we did it. We finished 3rd grade homeschool during the coronavirus pandemic in the year 2020. I know. It was a lot. Like a lot a lot. Even just this Monday I yelled at you for not applying yourself the way you should’ve because the year in review is a pain in the butt and clearly even I need a year in review in 3rd grade Math. It’s been tough. And obviously not easy at moments. But here’s what I want you to know today.


I’m a glass half empty kind of girl. Truth is, I tend to see things a little negative sometimes. Perhaps this is a part of the worrier component of my DNA, or maybe it’s just who I am. And if I’m honest, I woke up this morning feeling heavier than usual. Worried more than usual. Stressed more than usual. And I hate that. But then I had a thought. And here’s how it went.