All tagged sister


When I became pregnant with twins I was so confident I would have girls. Nothing better in the world than 3 sisters I pondered. I have a sister and the bond is pretty much unstoppable. Best friends. Thick as thieves. Basically soul mates. And then I found out I was having boys. I was excited. But honestly, I had no idea what I was in for. Flash forward to 2 1/2 years later, and there they were playing outside today with sissy and all I could do was observe. Really observe. And there they were.  And it was unstoppable. She had brothers.


The notion that everyone should have a sister is one I’ve echoed for years. Probably because I wouldn’t know life without one nor would I want to. She's everything. And more. And if I'm honest I'd probably pull any strings possible to have another baby girl and give my daughter a sister. But the way God created families is, not everyone gets a sister and that’s just how life goes. This sometimes makes me sad for my daughter, because I don't want her to miss out on this incredible journey, but it has also lead me to this beautiful unbeknownst truth.