You guys know I'm a huge advocate of denim. Like huge. And now that the sweltering humid summer season in Nashville is over, denim season is here till it's sweltering again next May/June. And when you find jeans that are magic, you buy. Case in point, these. And after browsing Rag and Bone during naptime yesterday I found these are on sale and that means it's your lucky day.


In Dr. Spock’s “Baby and Child Care” book, his famous opening line states, “You know more (about parenting) than you think you do.” Naturally, that is exactly what I needed to read when I couldn’t find a designated chapter on the attachment phase for toddlers. As I poured my second cup of coffee, sat down in silence at my desk and began my research, I was still shaking from pre-school drop off. Perhaps I should have water instead of coffee I uttered under my breath to my anxious self. I then continued on talking out loud … “they’re going to be fine…they won’t even remember they cried at pre-school drop off.” At least that’s what I told myself. 


It's not closed. Like, anything can happen. Like miracles. Very precise miracles. But let's just say we might be done. Closing the baby chapter. And this has me a wreck.

Every month I wake up going woohoo I'm a woman! Yay. The 40's and the female body rock. I'm so lucky! Well no. I'd be lying if I said sometimes I want a pregnancy test that says yep, you're open for business and it's twins again!! Just kidding. Well, kinda not. But my husband would up and move to the woods. But truthfully, closing the baby chapter is weird. And sad. And doesn't feel totally natural.