You know that feeling when you've learned you're pregnant and you're completely overwhelmed with gratitude, but scared to death at the first appointment because, well, sometimes things don't go well, and the news can be unexpected? As I quietly laid down uncomfortably with my legs up, (momma's these ultrasounds aren't exactly a spa day am I right?) the tech said to me after pausing for the longest 2 minutes in history…."well, I have some news." And my heart sank preparing for bad news…..and badabing in her strong southern accent she said, "sweetheart you have two babies in there, congrats you're having twins."
Karly Murphy
LONG PAUSE. "Excuse me what?" Yes, unexpected wish come true. Times 2. It was real, there was not only 1 healthy heartbeat, but two. After crying profusely for a minute (mostly because my husband was on a plane and I was alone) I immediately called my sister and even she didn't hear me correctly. My husband didn't hear me quite right either….after all, we weren't sure we would have any more children at all. But there it was, in black and white, we would become a party of six. Holy. Batman. So when the husband agrees to give you a baby but waits 2 years to do it, boy does he do it. Yep. Twins. Unexpected wish come true. x two. Still hasn't sunk in and my sweet identical boys are almost 1 year old. That's just crazy talk. It's all crazy. Crazy love though.
But please check up on me in another year and see if I'm alive. Like for real.