Instagram rules the world. It does. You know it does. And these days, we kind of have to pull ourselves away from our screens to let go and be. Be without instagram. It's a different world than it was back when I was a kid. But I'm different now too. And my mission in life is a little different. And I see things a little differently. And that's where Instagram comes in.
I came across this brand Gaia on Instagram. It's a brand that visually swept me off the typical thumb browse and into the image. The textiles looked different and beautiful. And the crafting of the product looked different. I was intrigued. So, because of Instagram this one evening, I looked into this brand and was more than smitten and here's why.
Does fashion have the ability to change lives? I've never pondered this question. I believe it. I have for some time. Whenever I dream, perhaps about creating product or getting product to market, I often think in what way could that happen while changing the world. Is it possible and will it even make a dent in the universe? In the last year specifically my eyes have opened up to a whole world out there of people who are trying to make a difference through the path of fashion. And I think if you have the ability to purchase from these brands, you are in fact changing the lives of women everywhere and that is changing the world. Just this brand alone Gaia, is empowering women everyday by employing female refugees, teaching them the craft, and giving them a job to support their families in their new country. Each piece is handcrafted by a refugee woman and you will see her name when you purchase a product. Hashtag, Fashion for good. Honestly, if we are going to be driven in cars by non-humans in our near future, we can be forward thinking in the fashion industry too and change the world, one brand at a time.
Here are a few of the brands I'm currently coveting and I hope you will check them out. (SEE BELOW) Also, for this gorgeous clutch or any of their products, sign up for their newsletter and receive 20% off your order. (I've had more compliments on this clutch than anything recently and you're empowering the lives of women by purchasing. Amen. Happy Weekend friends!)