California born, Nashville living, lots of babies, lots of lifestyle. Hang around and let's be friends!



| denim skirt | tee | sunnies | pink high tops | stroller | image by Sydney Clawson |

| denim skirt | tee | sunnies | pink high tops | stroller | image by Sydney Clawson |

Babies are the new black. I still wear black, even on sunny days. Duh. But I’ve got two babies on my hips and so do many mommas in my town. In fact twins are popping up everywhere, not just in my community of mom friends. Babies are everywhere. And us mommas....we are a busy bunch. 

Before babies and definitely before twins, it was a wild world filled with the city seducing you into the late nights with friends, lovers and karaoke bars. But now, it’s different. I’m different. We are all different. The city is different. It’s bigger. More stylish. More fit. More 2017. And there’s more babies in this city than I can count. They are everywhere. And even if you’re outnumbered like me, you gotta get out. With the babies. And without. And not be afraid to take those babies with you. And Nashville is full of fabulous. Therefore there’s more for the babies. More to do, more to eat, more to create. I’ve compiled a list of some of our favorite places and activities locally to Nashville here along with what you need with babies in tow. I've also compiled a list of some mama favorite spots sans kids. Because if you're not getting out without your children sometimes, you're gonna break. Plus, putting some makeup on, your favorite booties and hitting the town with your besties is paramount for a healthy centered mama. 

| denim skirt | tee | sunnies | pink high tops | stroller | image by Sydney Clawson |

| denim skirt | tee | sunnies | pink high tops | stroller | image by Sydney Clawson |


The stroller

To roam the city, one needs, the City Mini. The city mini is the travel must. It’s one fold with one hand (in both the single and double) and I can maneuver it with babies attached one handed. (I know, I”m magic.) Because twins.

The front to back city mini select is a fabulous option if you want front to back. 

The backpack

When I went from one baby to 3, the diaper bag just didn’t work anymore because I needed more hands. Enter the backpack. There’s several beautiful and spendy ones on the market, but this one is my favorite. This backpack is cute and a more affordable price point. Functional is your key word. Also, don’t overpack the backpack. Necessities only. Diapers, wipes, sippy cups (these have been a staple with all my babies and no spills) or bottles and hand wipes. If you’ve got your wallet and makeup bag, you’re good to go. Anything else is overkill.

The Sunnies

Navigating through the city, you’re gonna need sunnies. And these. I go out to take my boys on a walk in the radio flyer or stroller and I forget them constantly. So I have a pair in the garage now.  Also a hat to protect your mug. It’s paramount if you plan to be out all day. No exceptions. Skin is in.

Comfortable sneaks

You can’t walk the city uncomfortably. It’s a no. Year round I have a few sneakers I go to if I’m out all day. If it’s a quick outing then yes change it up. But comfort can be cute too.


Radnor Lake 

We walk, we explore, but mostly if I’m lucky, the twins watch the scenery while Momma listens to her favorite podcast or music. 

12th South

We walk, we browse White’s Mercantile, we play at Sevier Park, and get popsicles at Las Paletas. It’s a Nashville favorite.

Nashville Zoo

It's a favorite but be forewarned, if you're bringing babies or toddlers, be there when it opens, bring food and bottles, or plan to purchase food there. It's a long day (at least 2-3 hours to see most of the zoo).

The Mall at Green Hills

For newborn mamas or mamas wanting to get out of the house in Winter especially, this mall has always been our favorite. Nordstrom bathrooms alone allow mothers to comfortably breastfeed and relax (and make mom friends in the process!) and the Nordstrom Grill is yum and convenient. (It's also a secret rendevous for a few of my mom friends to get pedis, then browse Nordstrom and top it off with dinner here.

Downtown Franklin/The Factory Farmer’s market

We walk down Main street, eat at Puckett’s (totally family friendly), browse the shops, Haven, Whites Mercantile, Iron Gate (for home), Anthropologie and grab a starbucks to recharge!

If we’re up early before the crowds, on a Saturday morning we’ll head to the Factory farmer’s market where the coffee is hot, the egg biscuits are home made, and the donuts are out of this world. The babies love to roam and run through the market and the factory has plenty to do and bathrooms if needed!


Coffee talk

Proper bagel has some of the yummiest breakfast in Nashville. The coffee isn’t too shabby either. You’ll find millennials, mommas, business meeting lurkers and also nursing babies doesn’t usually get the stink eye here. 

Fenwick’s is sort of the cafeteria for most of music row. Before songwriting starts or sessions get going, this place is the place. Tasty, friendly and all your friends.

Caviar and Bananas is a brunch must. New, fresh, decor on point and yummies, plus they have frośe so yes please.

MNO (mom's night out)

Bartaco is a close middle ground in 12 South that promises good bites in the form of mini tacos and a great selection of cocktails (jalapeno marg is perfecto). 

LA Jackson is the rooftop at the Thompson Hotel downtown and is quickly becoming a scene. Get there early with your mama friends, sit outside and sip champagne with a view. Then uber to Adele's or Moto or Walk to Little Octopus for dinner!

Cork and Cow in Franklin has an incredible menu, the staff is uber friendly and it's right off Main street so you can walk down to Gray's on Main where you'll have the best gimlet in town. Josephine in 12 South has the second best gimlet in Nashville. (I know, I'm the gimlet queen.)

I think the city is quickly becoming the friendliest baby city in the southeast and I'm super happy about it. I'm also very unapologetic when it comes to getting out sans kids. Whether you work at home while raising babies or outside the home, you need to get out into the city without your kids. Grab your husband grab your bestie, but get out. I promise it makes a world of difference. Happy Saturday friends! Shop the post below or click links under images! xx Maile