image | misty trone photography |
In order to live a life you’ve never had, you must do things you’ve never done.
The last year brought it. It was rough. And tumble. And strange. But also, this year was abundant with love and humility and beauty. And awareness. And I realized the enormous gratitude for a life well lived. It was also a time of reflection to think ahead of all the things I want to do for me. And for my family. And it was time to pivot.
Pivoting is such a grand word. It almost is intimidating. But when you realize you’re ready to live a life you’ve never had, you must do things you’ve never done.
Like, study a new trade in your forties.
That’s a wild concept. But when you put it up against a timeline of just me studying by myself for almost 20 hours alone on a weekend at a time, the answer was a solid, no hesitation yes.
So, big news, new venture
I love real estate.
I’ve invested for years. I was the 9 year old skating in roller blades riding into open houses on a Sunday. I was obsessed. The love and interest 30 years later, hasn’t wavered.
I love it. Just as much as I love people.
So here I am, marrying my love of real estate, of people and of design, and there you go. I’m a realtor. I’m still Maile, still me. Still here to flood your feed with the good stuff, the real mom stuff, the lifestyle stuff, the building my house and design stuff, but now I offer the service of helping you invest your life in our beautiful city.
Would love to help you relocate or invest here in Nashville, Franklin and beyond. Email me or call me anytime. Happy weekend friends and another happy Mother’s day to all the moms out there. We are amazing and so are our mothers! Grateful. Blessed. Happy week!!
K, love you mean it. xx Maile