All tagged christmas


She came home and walked in the house and directly looked me in the eye. I was caught a little off guard. She looked at me intently and had fervor in her voice when she asked me, “Is Santa real? I know he’s not real. Olive told me on the way home. from school.” Gasp. Gulp. Give me a damn class of wine. WTF. My 8 and a half year old just shot a dagger through my heart and I have a choice. I can lie and carry on. Or I can look her in the eye and tell the truth. Here’s what happened.


It’s not really a story. It’s my life. A tale of a girl who left home. Began a life of her own in a new town far far away from her beloved California. It wasn’t a new crazy choice considering I had already lived across the Atlantic Ocean in my twenties. But it was new, and unfamiliar and wildly exciting. And little did I know, it was where my life would land and where I would build a dream.


I'm a wee bit hungover this a.m. But I deserve it. See my insta stories for proof. Anyway, on the contrary, I don't know about you, but I'm freaking excited. It's almost Christmas. And no, I'm not going to cry that it's almost here and over, I'm going to rejoice that a week from today, I'll be in my sweats with my kiddos and husband and nowhere to go but here. This year has gone by so fast and I'm ok with it because I feel ready for what's ahead. But enough of that, here's a few items for your husband to buy you because we know he always waits to the last minute. Also a few items for the littles and the cutest coffee mugs for your kids teachers, the bus driver, the pre-school teachers, your pilates instructor,  you name it.