All tagged motherlove


I’m not sure where I heard it. But it smacked me in the face like a paddle off the side of an old fishing boat. It made such literal sense to me. It was humbling. In the most common, human way. We are all under construction. Maybe it’s because I’m older now and I have more mileage under my belt. Or because I’m a mother. Or maybe  it’s because I live more intently. Maybe because being vulnerable in my forties is an actual beautiful and baffling thing. I know, it might sound weird. But maybe it makes complete sense to you too. 

MOTHERHOOD, THE RABBIT HOLE: how we fall and how we rise again

It’s back to school and there's pumpkins popping up everywhere, so naturally this topic has come up yet again. Collectively, the motherhood tribe is subscribing to our new found freedom and praise Jesus and hallelujah. But with this comes the trepidation of the walk into the light. The baby steps to that freedom. The decision to divide and conquer. Because no matter how you do motherhood, we all fall. Even those of us who don't say it. But friends, it isn’t how or when we fall that matters, it’s how we rise again.


I know. It looks kinda cute. Kinda frightening. Kinda woah. And yes I know, kinda isn’t really a word. But this is parenting. And it’s kinda weird.

The thing that books don’t tell you, nor do your parents, or your friends or your boyfriends, lovers or future husbands, is that this is parenting. It’s illuminated by irony, random acts of kindness by strangers and an uncanny amount of moments worthy of cinematic entertainment like that of a Disney movie like say, Bambi.